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Journey Through The Tarot

 a mystery school of three acts: becoming, transforming, transcending 

Journey Through the Tarot is a mystery school of three acts - Line One: Becoming is currently available as a self study 8 module course, Line two: Transforming is currently running live and will be available for self study in late May, Line Three: Transcending will be live later this year. 

Each part of this course offers practical instruction, a plethora of ideas as well as healing initiations based around the encounters I had with each archetype as I created the Purple Diamond Tarot.


During these sessions we are guided by the container of the tarot to explore the archetypes which weave through each of our worlds + find mirrors to our magic, brushes for our tangles and hands to hold in the passageways.

Open to tarot beginners and seasoned practitioners as well as artists, creatives, healers and thinkers who want to explore the universal archetypes of becoming, transforming and transmuting in a creative and magical way. 

Learn more about Line One: Becoming

Line One: Becoming is an unique 8 module course which takes participants along the archetypal journey of first line of the Major Arcana.

We are guided by the container of the tarot to explore the archetypes which weave through each of our worlds + find mirrors to our magic, brushes for our tangles and hands to hold in the passageways. A way to incorporate mythic thinking into your everyday life, to expand your capacity to make sense of this strange world - employing the poetic + oracular mind, myth + story, symbolism past + present. 


Open to tarot beginners and those interested in deepening their intuitive connection or anyone interested in the inspiration the ancient and universal archetypes of tarot's line one bring for creative and healing work.

why join?

  • gain an understanding of working with the tarot in a multidimensional manner 

  • meet with the first 7 archetypes of the tarot in an embodied and esoteric way

  • call forth the muses into your life for creative and spiritual growth

  • become more confident in a range of divination approaches 

  • receive the first 7 initiations of the Purple Diamond Tarot 

  • explore the connection between the practical and the mythic

when we call upon archetypal knowledge magic often occurs where we least expect it 


🪲Session 1: Introduction to The Tarot, The Major Arcana + Purple Diamond's Approach

🪲Session 2: The Fool - The Golden Thread

🪲Session 3: The Magician - The Magic Carpet of Will

🪲Session 4: The High priestess - Our Innate Wisdom

🪲Session 5 :The Empress + The Emperor - Employing Our Body Knowing

🪲Session 6: The Hierophant - Accountability to Our Truth

🪲Session 7 :The Lovers - As Within So Without

🪲Session 8: The Chariot - Directing our Life-Force

Join now for one years access to x8 videos which each include a lecture, practical and meditative journey or ceremony + supporting material and homework suggestions for each module.
Copy of The Book of Love.png


  1. Do I need to practice tarot - although this course leans heavily on the tarot it is open to anyone interested in exploring these archetypes within themselves and the surrounding world.

  2. What are the 'lines' in tarot - the 3 lines break up the archetypal journey of the 22 major arcana cards and are some of the most potent archetypes in the deck and beyond. 

  3. What is an archetype - a collection of personality and experience which we can tap into in our experience of the world or expanded sense of self in order to connect to the gifts offered or shed light on untangling wounded being mirrored.

  4. Do I need a tarot deck - you do not need a tarot deck, but some signifiers for each archetype whether they are chosen shells or drawings will be helpful. 

  5. How long will the recording be up - you have access to this course for 365 days from purchase date

  6. How much is line one - £222

  7. Do you offer payment plans - yes please email me to arrange​

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